Run Sheets are a vital document that will contain a whole host of important dates, timings, locations, personnel and contractor info. No matter the size or complexity of an event, it simply cannot run at maximum efficiency without one.
For this assessment, you will put together a forecasted run sheet for your planned event. You should include any arrangements needed prior to the event, during and after, including any clean-up/packing away or site break. All important information should be included, from task owner/point of contact, times, dates, locations, and supplier details.
Any formatting, colour coding and notes should be clear, concise and easy to understand. Whilst a hypothetical event, each stage should be realistic and relevant to your event.
Please submit in an Excel/Sheets/PDF file below.
You should refer to previous seminar for further guidance, an Empty Run Sheet template can be found in the materials tab above or module materials tab.
For this assessment and every assessment you upload on this course, please include your full name in the file name when you save it as well as the assessment name/topic. I.e: JOHN SMITH – RUN SHEET