Considering making a move into the events industry but not sure where to start? We have a pretty good idea of which steps you should take for the best success when starting a new career. Events Management oversees planning and executing events and these can come in all shapes and sizes. Your first step is to get a good idea of your niche and where you want to invariably end up once you find your feet in the industry. Are you looking to start your own events planning business? Do you want to specialise in music venues? Do you want to start off in an events agency as an intern and work your way up?
There is no right answer about where you wish to begin, but these steps are what we recommend you take to get the right skills, qualifications and experience for a strong CV.
It’s not overly essential to have a degree or diploma in event management before applying for a job in the industry. It’s highly recommended that you have credentials next to your name when looking for a job, however. You’ll be up against competition so having the relevant education and qualifications is important when making yourself as attractive for the role as possible.
Undergraduate degrees in events management are widely available across universities in the UK. However, it takes three years to graduate with the option then to advance the degree into a masters at postgraduate level. If going to university isn’t on the cards, there are short courses available to teach you the skills and knowhow to get into events management. Courses like our Events Management Diploma allow you to learn and become qualified online, all at a fraction of the cost of traditional university education, with the freedom to be flexible around your current work situation.
Your experience as an attendee becomes just as valuable when getting into the events industry. Gathering hands-on research right in the thick of it gives you plenty of insights. Going to events also counts as a way to make connections if you introduce yourself to the organisers and the staff. Getting a first hand perspective on all the elements involved in organising a successful event, no matter what scale, can be applied yourself when planning your own. Platforms like Eventbrite can help you discover local events to further enrich your understanding and network within the industry.
Gaining experience is vital when looking for a career in events management. Putting yourself out there and getting involved in events teaches you through experience. These skills convert well on your CV and prove to your employer that you’re committed to developing your abilities as a good event planner. You’ll become familiar with all aspects of the industry through immersing yourself in the world. Keep an eye on charity events that are looking for volunteers and make yourself a useful body as much as you can. Volunteering is the best way to start out as it’s very difficult to get a job in the industry without showing that you have valid experience. If music festivals are your thing, then organisations such as Festaff provides volunteering opportunities that promise unforgettable experiences!
Networking happens both offline and online. It’s good to familiarise yourself with both. Engaging on social media platforms like Linkedin will help you form connections with others in the industry. Becoming active online will give you access to local networking events where you can make connections in person. Sign up to conferences and talks, enhancing your professional development while also networking as you can catch up with other attendees during the breaks. It all counts as networking as long as you’re getting your name out and also meeting peers in the field. Not to mention it’s great training for your confidence as well. Good communication and confidence is essential when embarking on a career as an events manager as talking to people is all part of the gig.
As with many industries, events management is just as much to do with who you know than it is with what you know. Acquainting yourself with industry experts, whether through networking or through a course, gives you access to valuable firsthand experience. You may encounter some road bumps and need advice on how to succeed in your chosen path in the events industry. Your previous tutors and lecturers are there for this reason. Never be afraid to ask questions.
One of the best ways to host your portfolio is on a website. This takes a step towards making things more official and gives you the freedom to start up as a freelancer for small events. Your website becomes the quintessential tool for marketing yourself. You can encapsulate your brand and produce content to get yourself noticed on the scene. On top of your portfolio, you can include client testimonials to really sell yourself as a proficient events planner. It always looks impressive to have a website on your CV and you can link all your socials through the site.
Even if you haven’t got a vast amount of experience in event management and planning, you should still look for a job in the industry. Low-pay entry level jobs are good places to start when building up your experience. Starting as an assistant not only gives you the chance to learn on the job, you’ll also make important professional connections. Working in an events agency or as an event planner assistant in a business also opens you up to professional opportunities as some companies may include certified training as part of your contract. If your eventual goal is to strike out on your own with your own business, you can still work on your business model in your free time. As they say, the best time to look for a job is while in a job!
Deciding on a career path can happen anywhere down the line. Wherever you are in your professional career, you can easily make the transition to the events industry with the number of opportunities available. There are many different career options to take with a vast number of different businesses hiring for event managers and planners. But before you start job searching, it’s worth spending the time to learn the industry first.
Our UK leading Events Management Diploma is recognised by two different chartered institutes. Taught by over 40 different industry experts, our 100% online course is a top choice for professionals looking to get qualified.
Find out more by downloading our brochure or book in a call here if you want to have a chat.
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