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Expert Profile

Alan Braithwaite

Alan Braithwaite

Yellow Tuxedo

Alan has a background in events management, just like with many of our lectures. His key focus in his career however is in brand growth and awareness through digital media and marketing. He specialises in how current technologies improve brand outreach through using multiple platforms and social media. Alan knows how to navigate through the muddied world of SEO, understanding how Google ticks. Alan’s strategic skillset and experience was pivotal in the creation of both Baylily Bell Tents and The Outside Bride. Through using digital marketing and SEO, they maximised their online presence, taking them from small cottage industry businesses to international brands.

Event Crowd Lectures

  • Level 4 Event Management Digital Visibility


  • Yellow Tuxedo
  • Baylily Bell Tents
  • The Outside Bride
  • Geek Squad
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