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Expert Profile

Clare Goodchild

Clare Goodchild

Organise Chaos

Clare is a Company Director and Consultant Event Operations Manager with over 25 years’ of experience delivering outdoor mass events. Her expertise covers Events Management and Branding. Clare also has a close involvement in safety operations, working as a safety manager and contributor to the Purple Guide, creating their 2021 re-opening guidance. Clare fully promotes the importance of self-development as she is currently studying for her MSc in Crowded Places & Public Safety Management. On top of learning, Clare shares her wisdom and insights across multiple institutions. She is an educato4, guest speaker, panellist, contributor, steering group member and mentor for organisations including BIMM University, Coventry University, Backstage Academy, Manchester University, The Event Production Show and the EM Mentoring network.

Event Crowd Lectures

  • Level 4 Event Management Operations & Site Management


  • Standon Calling
  • We Out Here
  • Boomtown
  • Lost Village
  • Boardmasters
  • Green Man Festival
  • Glastonbury
  • Tour de France
  • Ice Village Manchester
  • Arcadia Spectacular

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